Leptospirosis is a relatively rare bacterial infection that affects people and animals. It can pass from animals to humans when an unhealed break in the skin comes in contact with water or soil where animal urine is present. It can progress to conditions such as Weil’s disease or meningitis, which can be fatal. The condition does not usually pass from one person to another.
The signs and symptoms of leptospirosis usually appear suddenly, about 5 to 14 days after infection. However, the incubation period can range from 2 to 30 days, according to the CDC.
• a fever that may spike to 104F
• coughing
• diarrhea, vomiting or both
• headache
• muscle pain, particularly lower back and calves
• skin rash
• red and irritated eyes
• jaundice
How we can prevent from Leptospirosis
 Avoid contaminated water
 Keep away from infected animals, especially wild rats
 Be aware of the surrounding you live and especially when you travel
 Always keep cleanliness (Use disinfectant / sanitize hands)

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