We, Lankapura Osu Pvt Ltd Manufacture and sale the Best Quality Assured Food supplements and related products to Our Valued Consumers to satisfy their Unique Requirements.
We are committed to Satisfy Consumer through Product Safety through Complete Understanding of the Consumer’ Requirements and Maintaining Effectiveness and Efficiency in our Supply Chain.
Food safety is the responsibility of all employees that have direct influence on manufacturing, storage and transportation of our products. Competent, trained, motivated, dedicated team is involved with all functions through their responsibilities for food safety.
Therefore we commit to comply to food safety standards by
- Adhering to local and international Food Safety Regulatory Requirements and legal requirements
- Maintaining GMP and GHP in the Manufacturing Areas
- Maintaining Food Safety Measures through controlling critical points of the HACCP plan
- Managing the Business in a Socially Responsible Manner
- Verification and validation of the Food Safety Management System through internal and external audit processes.
- Ensure that suppliers and contractors embrace the same food safety commitments and Communicate food safety requirements to employees, suppliers, contractors, customers and consumers and other relevant interested parties by establishing specifications for ingredients and packaging materials, product storage and consumer guidelines.
- Continually improve the effectiveness of the Food Safety Management System by reviewing company policies, objectives, company standards, policies and procedures with changes in products, processes and technologies.